Michael Modzelewski

Wild Life

Wild Life
Wild Life


Dear Reader,

Imagine a dream in which the Master of the Universe says to a young man: “Here is a female candy store. Walk in. The door is open. Enjoy as many different colored and flavored sweets as you want, for as long as you want. The lids are off all the jars — help yourself to all the goodies.” Well, for this man, that dream came true, in the boom-boom 1990’s, when I was picked by Cosmopolitan Magazine as a “Bachelor of The Month.”

I lived every man’s fantasy, receiving thousands of letters from women around the world, frilly lingerie, naked pictures, a plethora of  flower bouquets, books, more mix tapes than I could count, and many invitations making it abundantly clear that if we met in person, there would be a “happy ending” on the first date, right out of the gate. What human animal with a pair of testicles and a will to live could possibly say, “No?”

My literary agent, at the time, said: “My god, man, Sigmund Freud asked: ‘What do women really want?’ You have a golden opportunity to find out! Whatever you do — take notes.”

I did (copiously), and the book you now hold in your hands (thank you) describes the wild sex, surreal hilarity, mystical guidance from an Alaskan totem goddess, a black eye, and the deep wisdom I learned from an amazing assortment of what is the very best of this world: women.

Buckle-up, open your mind — and enjoy the ride.

— Michael Modzelewski


5 responses to “Wild Life”

  1. Pat Conroy, author of The Prince of Tides Avatar
    Pat Conroy, author of The Prince of Tides

    Michael Modzelewski’s writing is as good as it gets!

  2. Amy Tan, author of The Joy Luck Club Avatar
    Amy Tan, author of The Joy Luck Club

    A fast paced page turner in which a Cosmo Bachelor and naturalist fresh from Alaska, dates and studies a wide range of women as if they are wildlife. The New York nights are as luminous as the Northern Lights. It’s wonderful.

  3. Cassandra King, author of The Sunday Wife Avatar
    Cassandra King, author of The Sunday Wife

    An explorer returns from the wilds to find himself suddenly famous, a Cosmo Bachelor with women clamoring after him. Setting out to solve the mystery of what women really want, he is led on a journey of discovery, unlike anything encountered in the wilds. Based on a true story, WILD LIFE is a fun read, full of adventure, sex, hilarity, but it’s also more. Ultimately it’s about the search for love and meaning in the wilderness known as modern life.

  4. Juliann Matson, Life Coach Avatar
    Juliann Matson, Life Coach

    Girls, if you want to know how guys think, read this book. Guys, if you want more dates, be like Mike.

  5. Lulu, the author's agent Avatar
    Lulu, the author’s agent

    A Cosmo Girl must read! After my boyfriend read WILD LIFE we had the greatest weekend of sex ever! Thank you, Michael.

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